Furl is really cool...
I was looking for a way to save, manage, and retrieve webpages that I have frequently found useful, interesting, nice-to-have-for-reference-later, etc. while I surf the internet when I came across this great site, www.furl.net.
Bookmarks certainly are not enough nowadays. Pages keep on changing at the blink of your eyes and you'll be left behind in this world of information overload if you only depend on bookmarks, though it's online bookmarks which you can open anywhere there is internet access.
Furl provides a much anticipated solution to this problem. It's your personal web. It saves any pages on the Web and lets you find and retrieve them later. This way it's definitely great for many purposes, whether it is for research, travel planning, info sharing, etc.
Furl also serves as a 'social bookmarking' tool. We can share what we have 'furled' with our friends and others. We can subscribe to others' archive and get alerts on what they have found in the internet.
There are few other sites competing with Furl on this area, like Spurl, Simpy or del.icio.us, but I found Furl as more user-friendly and, more importantly, the sites are saved, not just bookmarked. As we know, links can die. And with a quota of 5 gigabytes per member, thousands of webpages can be safely stored for your personal archive.
For detail review of Furl, check out this Techcrunch posting. All sites that I have 'furled' can be viewed at www.furl.net/members/arief78741.
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