I had nothing to lose to try it and not too surprised to get the following result:
So, is it good or bad? Frankly, I had expected much below high school reading level. I am hoping whoever can read is able to digest easily what I write. I am sure I never use English words only those spelling bees have ever heard or tenses I only memorized for school exams years ago...
I tried out several samples and was feeling good that the same reading level was required to read Jakarta Post or NY Times for example. I should even be feeling much better to see that it takes a genius to read the English version of Tempo Interaktif. But then I realized that it even gave a rating for non-existing sites. So, don't take this tool too seriously...
If you want more comprehensive test for your blogs, try WebsiteGrader from HubSpot. This free SEO tool site measures the marketing effectiveness of a website, including its readibility level. To my delight, out of a grade of only 56/100 that I get for my blog, my blog's readibility level is merely elementary school level..! That's consistent with its G rating as well. For me, it can't be better than this...
1 comment:
Bagus dong pak rating general audience itu kan berarti blog nya mudah di cerna dan bisa dibaca oleh semua orang dengan mudah :)
Terima kasih di kasih tau tools tersebut, karena aku jd bisa ngetest blog ku juga.
Sukses ya pak....
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