Nov 26, 2006

Black Friday, part 2

As expected, the line was very long in some stores like BestBuy. Many people already patiently waited and even set up their tents... yes, some did bring their own tents... 6 hours before the store opened at 5am. I didn't get the cheap $379 HP laptop on top of my short shopping list, but I still managed to grab all others. Below are few examples of the steals I got:

250GB Western Digital 'My Book' Premium Edition external hard drive for only $69.99 in BestBuy. Normal price: 2.5 times of that, for example in Amazon.

2GB Sandisk MemoryStick Pro Duo for only $34.99 in Fry's Electronics. Normal price: more than twice in Amazon.

2GB Sandisk SecureDigital memory card for $29.99 in CompUSA. Normal price: almost 3 times in Amazon.

Great bargains, aren't they?


Selamat datang di said...

thats too bad...I was eager to read a success story of your hunting on black friday. The stuff you bought can't be compared with the laptop and the digital camera you mentioned

Arief Budiwidayanto said...

as i said at the end of the first paragraph, those are only few examples of the steals i got during the d-day. thanks anyway...